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Exchange with Modi University

Outline of the project

Name: NEXT project


Dates: August 1st, 2022 - November 1st, 2022

1) Preliminary activities August, 2022 - November, 2022

2) Program Implementation: November 17 - 18, November 20, November 22, 2022

Place: Online (ZOOM will be used)

Participants: 35 Modi University students and 24 NEXT project members

Organizer: International Institute for Relations (I.I.R.), a welfare organization of Keio University

Organizer: NEXT project

名称:NEXT project (ネクストプロジェクト)
1)事前活動 2022年 8 ⽉〜2022 年 11 ⽉
2)プログラム実施 2022年11月17日~11月18日、11月20日、11月22日
場所:オンライン (ZOOM を使⽤予定)
参加者:モディ大学学生 35名・NEXT project メンバー24名・I.I.Rメンバー(NEXTメンバーを除く)8名
主催団体:慶應義塾⼤学 福利厚⽣団体 国際関係会 (I.I.R.)
企画:NEXT project

Day 1 Culture Day

1) Purpose

To deepen understanding of each other's country, to discover new aspects of one's own country, and to embody the "Re-discovery yourself" that this project aims to achieve.

This was done to embody the "Re-discovery yourself" that this project aims to achieve.

2) Project Details and Impressions

In this project, a Culture Day was held by the Indian hosts. The participants were divided into breakout rooms and played a bingo game. The traditional dances were very fresh, as the dances matched the meanings of the songs, and the participants were able to appreciate the dances while imagining the stories behind them. The bingo game was a great opportunity for the Japanese and Indian members to get to know each other better, as they tried to say fast words from each other's countries, took pictures of funny faces together, and had fun talking about love....

Day 1 カルチャーDay企画

 互いの国への理解を深めると共に、⾃国のあらたな側⾯を発⾒し、本プロジェクトの⽬指す“Re-discovery yourself”を体現するために行いました。

Day 2 Discussion Day 

In Day 2, students from Modi University gave a presentation on the features and attractions of India. Students from various tribes gathered and explained India's politics, economy, and other aspects from various perspectives such as culture, religion, and language, while making comparisons with Japan. This presentation, which introduced the charms of their own country in an unconventional way, gave Japanese students a new perspective.

Afterwards, Indian and Japanese students were divided into breakout rooms to freely choose themes for discussion. One specific example of a theme was how to get young people interested in politics. He told us that Japanese people have little interest in politics, while some Indian youths seem to be interested in it and discuss it with each other, only to lose interest if they do not show more improvement in the local aspects of contemporary politics. I was often surprised at the difference in opinions between Japanese and Indians, and it was a good opportunity to gain new perspectives.

Day 2 ディスカッションDay

Day 3 VISCON Day 

 The purpose of this event was to encourage interest in both Japan and India by experiencing the culture and nature of the two countries and to motivate future exchange between Japan and India.

 The participants were divided into joint Japan-India groups and came up with ideas to stimulate Japan-India exchange. Whether it be starting a business or planning an event, we tried to make use of everyone's free ideas. Unlike Day 1 and Day 2, from Day 3, the Japanese side became the host and took the initiative.

<Flow of the day>

Explanation of the plan (time required: 5 minutes)

The theme was explained and the general framework of the discussion was presented.

Ice break (5 minutes)

Groups were divided into groups and self-introductions were made to deepen the friendship among participants.

Discussion (60 minutes)

Group discussion on "Ideas to revitalize Japan-India exchange". Slides for the presentation were also prepared during this time.

Presentation (20 minutes)

Each group had 3 minutes to present their ideas. Afterwards, all participants rated each group using Google Form.

Awards and feedback (Duration: 10 minutes)

The collected evaluations were tabulated and the first-place group was awarded. Feedback was also given to each group.


The theme of this VISCON was "How to strengthen the Japan-India relationship?

Each team came up with unique ideas, but after the presentations, it became clear that all the teams had a common sense of issues to be addressed to improve the Japan-India relationship.

The winning team was Team 5.

They devised the "Tomodachi Sensei (Friend Teacher)" program. I thought it was important for the teams to overcome the language barrier and get to know each other.

Day 3 ビジコン Day
⽇印両国の⽂化や⾃然に触れることで両国への興味関⼼を引き出し、今後の⽇印交流の意欲向上を目的として行いました。日印合同のグループに分かれて、日印交流活性化に向けたアイデアを考えました。ビジネスを始めるもよし、イベントを企画するもよし、みなさんの自由な発想を活かしてみようと言う試みです。このDay3からDay1とDay 2とは違い日本側がホストとなり、主体的に動きました。




各グループ3分で話し合ったアイデアをプレゼンしました。また、その後はGoogle Formを使って参加者全員が各グループに評価を付けました。


「Tomodachi Sensei(友達先生)」プログラムを考案してぃした。言語の壁を超えて、お互いのことを知ろうとする気持ちが大事だと思いました。

Day 4 VISCON Project

The purpose of the program was to deepen understanding of each other's country, to discover new aspects of their own country, and to embody the "Re-discovery yourself" that this project aims to achieve.The purpose of this project was to embody the concept of "Re-discovery yourself.

<Project Details and Impressions>

Continuing from Day 3, the Japanese side served as hosts on this day, introducing Japanese culture to the Indian people.

We danced Soranbushi together, discussed aesthetics, asked them about their views on love and life, gave each other Indian and Japanese names, and so on. The event was filled with many activities. This time, we gave Japanese names to Indian people. The surnames were chosen from those of NEXT members. The author of this post felt like having a new member of her family when she heard that one of them had chosen her own surname. In India, there seems to be a culture of using a second name, which was a surprise to me.

I was also surprised at the speed at which Indians learn to dance, and how different their outlook on life is from that of Japanese.

At the end, we all shared our thoughts on the whole event!

Day 4 日本カルチャーDay
“Re-discovery yourself”を体現する目的で行いました。


This project was the second online exchange following the one with Jawaharlal Nehru University in June 2022, and the first with Modi University. This exchange was not only between the members of I.I.R. next and Indian students, but also included some non-ext members of I.I.R. I feel that it was a fruitful experience for them to experience India. The exchange with Jawaharlal Nehru University was conducted in Japanese, but this time the exchange was conducted in English. All the NEXT members felt that it was a good opportunity to have a chance to speak English. On the other hand, some of the members expressed their concerns about our language skills and the fact that we had not yet learned enough about India and our own country. We also found many issues, such as the difficulty of division of labor and cooperation between bureaus, even in the preparation stage. We believe that this exchange is just the beginning. This project represents the beginning of exchange between Modi University and Keio University, and we hope to continue deepening our exchange with the rich culture of Modi in the future. In the future, next will be traveling to India in February 2023. We will not stop moving forward and will continue to develop new exchange destinations to realize our slogan, "Re-discover yourself and your country.

本企画は、2022年6月に実施したジャワハルラール・ネルー大学とのオンライン交流に続き、2回目のオンライン交流となったものであり、モディ大学とは初めての交流でした。また今回の交流はnextのメンバーとインド人学生だけではなく、I.I.Rのnext以外のメンバーも一部参加してもらい、インドを体感できたことは収穫なのではないかと感じています。ジャワハルラール・ネルー大学との交流では、日本語での交流でしたが、今回の交流は英語での交流となりました。英語の話す機会ができたことにnextメンバー一同良い機会になったと感じていました。その一方、英語での交流には言語の能力という点で不安があったり、私達がまだまだインドのこと、そして私達の国のことについても勉強不足だったのではないかという声がメンバーから聞かれました。また、準備の段階ででも分業の難しさや局と局同士の連携などの課題もたくさん見つかりました。今回の交流はまだ始まりに過ぎないと考えています。本企画はモディ大学と慶應義塾大学の交流の始まりを意味するものであり、今後も豊かな文化を持つモディとの交流を深めていきたいと考えています。今後nextは2023年2月にはインド渡航が控えています。今後も私達は歩みを止めず、新たな交流先を開拓し、「Re-discover yourself and your country 」というスローガンの実現に向けて、活動を進めていく所存です。




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