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Exchange with Jawaharlal Nehru University

Outline of the project

Name: NEXT project



1) Preliminary activities April, 2010 - June, 2010

2) Program Implementation: June 3 - June 5, 2022

Place: Online (ZOOM will be used)

Participants: ・15 students from Jawaharlal Nehru University

18 NEXT project members

( Moeka Tanaka, Aya Fujii, Risa Fujita, Ayuri Itakura, Moeri Mizutani, Shiho Anzai, Shiori Abe, Yusuke Tanaka, Shiho Anzai, Yuho Tanaka

Shiho Anzai, Yusuke Tanaka, Aoi Ueda, Kosuke Iwashita, Akira Takagi, Shoichiro Kobayashi, Yushin Yamamoto, Fuka Nagata, Tamako Kousaka, Asahi Kurosaki, Yoshino Nakamura, Toka Nagahama)

Organizer: Keio University International Relations (I.I.R.)

Organizer: NEXT project

Representative: Moeka Tanaka, 2nd year student at Keio University


名称: NEXT project (ネクストプロジェクト)



1)事前活動 2022年 4⽉〜2022 年 6 ⽉

2)プログラム実施 2022年6月3日~6月5日

場所: オンライン (ZOOM を使⽤予定)

参加者: ・ジャワハルネルー大学学生 15名

・NEXT project メンバー18名

( 田中萌夏、藤井綾、藤田莉紗、板倉歩里、水谷萌里、阿部栞穂里、


主催団体: 慶應義塾⼤学 福利厚⽣団体 国際関係会 (I.I.R.)

企画: NEXT project

代表者: 田中萌夏 慶應義塾⼤学 2 年

Day 1.2 Presentation Planning

1) Purpose

To deepen understanding of each other's country, discover new aspects of their own country, and embody the "Re-discovery yourself" that this project aims to achieve.

2) Project Details and Impressions

In this project, after an ice-breaker each day, we introduced each other's culture three times, alternating between Japan and India, and conducted a cultural exchange between the two countries. The Japanese side introduced Japan through its proud culture, such as anime and Japanese food, and by making the presentations interactive with several quizzes, we were able to have the participants learn about Japanese culture with a positive attitude. The Indian side also introduced India with a focus on its culture, and the opportunity to experience a culture different from Japan's, such as greetings and kimonos, greatly broadened our horizons.

Day 1.2 プレゼン企画

1) ⽬的

互いの国への理解を深めると共に、⾃国の新たな側⾯を発⾒し、本プロジェクトの⽬指す“Re-discovery yourself”を体現する。

2) 企画詳細 、所感


Day 3 Demonstration Project

1) Overall Objective

To introduce Japanese culture not only through text and images, but also visually and aurally, so that visitors feel as if they are actually experiencing the culture.

2) Planning Details, Impressions

The Japanese culture introduced on the first and second days was presented in a hands-on format. We held a concert with a Koto (Japanese harp) teacher whom we know, and planned a virtual tour using video images to provide a sense of actually visiting Japan, even though it was online. This allowed both Japanese and Indians to experience Japanese culture together in the same space, enabling them to absorb Japanese culture more deeply. It was also a good opportunity for us to reexamine Japanese culture from a new perspective, as we were able to directly experience the reactions of people from other countries to Japanese culture. At the end of the program, students from both universities exchanged social networking services (SNS), which was a successful and close exchange.

Day 3 デモンストレーション企画

1) ⽬的


2) 企画詳細 、所感



Although the exchange was held online due to the Corona Disaster, it allowed us to introduce a wide range of cultures, and both sides were able to learn deeply from each other. By interacting directly with Indian students and having them introduce their culture to us, we were able to learn things that we could not have learned through text alone, and it also gave us the opportunity to relearn Japanese culture from a non-Japanese perspective. This exchange was a good opportunity to deepen the relationship between Japan and India.







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